Many individuals who opt for a qualification in public health do so in order to increase their job prospects. While this might be very helpful, this is not the only way that someone can find a better position within this field. Being aware of the various ways that individuals can obtain better positions within the field of public health can go a long way in helping people to strengthen their applications and stand a better chance of getting the position that they want.
Different Fellowship Positions
Companies and organizations throughout the country offer fellowships that last for short amounts of time, but they often offer work experience and training, allowing individuals to increase their proficiency within this field in a short amount of item. Many people opt for fellowships in order to get their “foot in the door” with certain organizations, although others utilize them to improve their prospects elsewhere in the field. Either way, these programs can go a long way in improving a person’s prospects within the field of public health.
Obtaining Awards
One of the ways that a fellowship allows a person to get their hands on a better position within the field of public health is by allowing them to collect certain awards that can then be leveraged for better positions. Not all fellowships are eligible for these, but many allow individuals to stand in line for performance or service awards.
Sponsored Training
While a qualification might train a professional in many of the areas that they will later be expected to perform, they can always do with more training. Some of the best positions in public health are filled by individuals who never stopped their training and continued to learn whenever they were given the opportunity. Fellowships allow individuals to do this on the funding of the organization with which they are completing this program, and this makes it all the more appealing.
Training isn’t only costly, but it can also take a lot of time. When individuals go through the training being offered via the fellowship, they will usually utilize the time and resources being offered by their organization in order to complete it.
Exploring Certain Career Directions
Not everyone who starts taking a specific career direction will find that they enjoy it, which is why fellowships could end up playing such an integral in helping individuals get a better position once they commit themselves to entering into this field. Those who know they want to follow a specific career path will usually be more invested in this prospect, and so they will ultimately end up putting more time and effort into establishing their careers. Ultimately, this will end up helping them to obtain better positions simply because of the effort that they have put into building their careers.
Learn About Specific Issues Within The Field
A fellowship allows individuals to get their hands dirty within the field of their choice, and this can go a long way in helping them to come into contact with some of the most common issues faced by those within this field. Gaining an understanding of the issues and limitations faced by professionals in the field can give individuals an idea about how they can go about making contributions to the industry. Those who contribute to the industry are also usually those individuals who are chosen for the best positions in the field, and this makes it worthwhile to tackle these problems.
Many fellowships allow individuals to work on research within a particular subject. In some instances, the research might be completely unique, while in other instances, individuals might simply be building on the work of someone else.
It is not only training that is offered by a fellowship that can help individuals obtain a better position further down the line, but also the reflection that is done throughout the course. Reflection is basically what is done by fellowship students and their supervisors, and it allows these parties to look over the work that is done by the student to determine where they can improve, as well as take note of what they have done well.
This reflection not only helps a student improve their work, but it is something that they can utilize throughout their careers as they continue to strive to obtain better positions within their chosen field.
Real World Experience
Those entering into a fellowship will usually be required to take on a lot of responsibility in a very short space of time. Because of this, they often have the very unique experience of building up their real world experience very quickly. Individuals are usually in better positions to take on better roles once they have completed their fellowship because they will have come into contact with a wide range of similar tasks when they go on to work in the field of their choice.
Skills Development
Those who opt for a fellowship will not only begin to build their skills in a specific field; they will be able to develop their skills across the board. Skills that professionals tend to focus on include data analysis, community organizing, leadership, grant writing, public speaking and media relations.
Limited Compensation
One of the toughest things about completing a fellowship is the limited salary that comes along with it. Most professionals will earn between $10,000 and $25,000 for their 12 month programs. While the salary might be low, the incentives are often quite high and could included loan repayment assistance, healthcare coverage and even housing stipends. While this might be an unappealing facet of the fellowship, once a student has completing the program, they stand a chance of earning a much higher salary in a much more lucrative position and this often makes it more than worthwhile for many individuals.
Entering into a fellowship is one of the many options that public health professionals have in order to provide them with the chance to increase their career prospects within this field, and while it might be a challenging step to take, it is one that has numerous benefits associated with it.